30 Active Members
6 years of activity at RWTH Aachen
Close relationship with companies
As one of the 93 BEST groups across Europe, we strive to Develop Students and Empower Diversity. For this, we work to strengthen the links between the three essential edges of the BEST Triangle.
The goal of BEST is to develop students through events that we organize round the year that allow them to gain extra-curricular knowledge and skills and aid them in preparing themselves as skilled engineers for the labor market.
We know what students need, because we are ones ourselves! We are volunteers motivated by the opportunity to develop personally and the chance to work for the well-being of all students in Europe.
Board of European Students of Technology is a non-profit organization of technical students from all over Europe. We consist of 93 local groups at the best technical schools in 34 European countries.
BEST consists of about 3600 active members, who by their enthusiasm and motivation to work, want to develop themselves and others. We are united through sharing similar values, such as: the desire to gain valuable experience, develop communication skills and persistence in achieving goals.